Monday, December 15, 2008

Art in Your Community

Mexican Fine Arts Museum
a TCF Bank event for High Schools
Ramiro Trejo and Aide Martinez win $1,ooo for Noble Street College Prep art class and a Scholarship from the American Academy of Art where they will attend courses in oil painting and photography.

Rebirth of an Election
By Ramiro Trejo (assisted by Aide Martinez)

· Phoenix- Symbolizes a rebirth of the U.S and the interest in elections.

· Twin Towers- Representation of the past that America has experienced and remembers.

· U.S Color Ribbon - Signifies the unity of both parties and nominees. Also, the border of the U.S.

· People behind Nominees- The crowd of voters that support each nominee.

· Offshore Drilling Station- Represents McCain’s support of offshore drilling to deal with high prices.

· Military Truck- Represents Obama’s promise to bring U.S troops back home.

· Immigrants Crossing the Color Ribbon- Stands for the important election issue of immigration into our country.

· People on Streets Looking Up- Represents Americans and their enthusiasm in an election.

· Trees- Represents the importance of green awareness and its presence in the election.

· Industrial Chimneys- Signifies the impact of greenhouse gases.

· Space Shuttle- Embodies the hope and great American dream to reach for heights.

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